august 26, 2010

we have happily enjoyed one year of being married.
       there seriously isn't anything better...

people say the first year is the hardest - luckily for us, i don't know how it could get any better :)

 so dang cute, they love him so much

 i finally have brothers, and nephews :)

 sisters :)

what a babe! i love him

it truly has been the happiest year of my twenty two years
            here's to forever. and ever. :)
                     i love you nick.
                  happy anniversary!

stencil designed tray

i picked up this lovely tray at hobby lobby.
i love animal prints but only on certain items.. this is not one of those.

however, it was on clearance and only $5.10..

here is the vision..
i printed this off the internet and cut out all the black with an exacto knife.
     (can't find a stencil you like at hobby lobby - make it yourself!)

i painted the whole thing white as a primer, then covered up the cheetah print area and painted the rest black and let it dry. my cute mom let me borrow her stencil brush (i miss doing crafts at home with all my mom's stuff - now i have to start collecting my own things).

here is the finished product.